Le massif du Piton des Neiges makes up more than two thirds of Réunion's surface and is home to many of the island's most famous features. In addition to the summit which shares the same name, the three mountain cirques (Salazie, Mafate and Cilaos), the Bébour-Bélouve forest and Cap de la Houssaye can all be found here. Not to mention the Grand Etang, the eastern waterways, the vanilleraies and the Maïdo forest... The Piton des Neiges summit is the highest point in the Indian Ocean, at a towering 3070m the panoramic views from the top are truly incredible. We recommend reaching the summit as the sun rises around you illuminating the stunning cirque du Cilaos and highlighting the immensity of Indian Ocean which stretches as far as the eye can see - a truly unforgettable experience...