Rad' Réunion: an active island adventure

Your customizable family holiday - an active adventure designed for those who cannot try enough outdoor activities. Discover Réunion Island at your own pace, with your own vehicle; visit museums and local towns, go kayaking in crystal lagoons and diving near coral reefs, go gorge walking and venture into lava tubes... Endless adventures are waiting for you - dare to try with Altaï Réunion.


  • Day 1 Maïdo - St-Gilles

    Maïdo - St-Gilles Collect your vehicle and hit the road to Maïdo for a stupendous panorama of the Cirque de Mafate. Then, take the road to St-Gilles, on the way you can stop and visit the Museum of Villele (payable locally), this museum was a large farm during the colonization of Réunion Island and explains the story of how the French first arrived on this tiny Island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. At St-Gilles you can visit Réunion Aquarium to discover the rich and varied marine life of the area. This afternoon, why not visit Trou d'Eau and explore a stunning coral reef and crystal lagoon waters from a clear bottomed kayak...

    Accommodation: Hôtel
    Possible activities: Kayaking

  • Day 2 St-Leu - Introduction to diving

    St-Leu - Introduction to diving Discover diving in the small coastal town of St-Leu. Guided by a team of passionate and attentive professionals, explore a beautiful underwater world and witness first-hand the nature at the incredible heart of the marine. With a bit of luck you may see dolphins, Manta Rays, turtles or even whales... Afternoon at leisure with the possibility of a trip to Kelonia, the research centre focused on the health of turtles (payable locally).

    Accommodation: Hôtel
    Activities: Introduction to diving
    Breakfast included.

  • Day 3 Cilaos - High ropes

    Cilaos - High ropes First thing this morning, it is possible to survey this exceptional volcanic island from a helicopter. Today you head to the Cirque de Cilaos, to a mountain town with the same name. This small town is found nestled at the foot of the tallest peak in the Indian Ocean, the Piton des Neiges, and, a unique afternoon adventure in the trees on a high ropes course awaits.
    Helicoptor ride prices vary from 95€ to 315€/person.

    Accommodation: Gîte
    Activities: High ropes session (2 hours)
    Breakfast and dinner included.

  • Day 4 Discover the Cirque de Cilaos

    Discover the Cirque de Cilaos Enjoy a day at leisure exploring the beautiful Cirque de Cilaos. Our detailed Roadbook and the local tourist information centre have lots of suggestions to help you make the most of this day. Why not take to the road and explore some of the cirques many adorable 'îlets'? Or you could go hiking and discover one of the many fabulous day hikes in this area...

    Accommodation: Gîte
    Breakfast and dinner included.

  • Day 5 Cilaos - Gîte du Volcan

    Cilaos - Gîte du Volcan Leave the lush Cirque de Cilaos and head towards the volcanic Massif du Piton de la Fournaise. Why not stop at the Volcano House Museum (payable locally) in the Plaine des Cafres on the way? Discover a supurb volcanic landscape with fantastic views of the caldera and go hiking on one of the most active volcanoes in the world... Overnight accommodation in the Gîte du Volcan (Volcano Lodge)

    Accommodation: Gîte
    Breakfast and dinner included.

  • Day 6 Lava Tube - St-Philippe

    Lava Tube - St-Philippe The day you have been waiting for! This morning you can go gorge walking (payable locally), a fantastic adventure climbing, abseiling, bathing and jumping amoung waterfalls, rocks and lush vegetation. After lunch, meet one of our specialist guides, an expert in volcanism, for an underground adventure through lava tubes... Equipped with a helmet and head torch, unlock a mysterious and beautiful hidden universe. Night in St-Philippe.

    Accommodation: Gîte
    Activities: Gorge walking (3 hours) and lava tubes (2 hours)
    Breakfast and dinner included.

  • Day 7 St-Philippe - The West Coast

    St-Philippe - The West Coast Return to the West Coast and return of your vehicle. On the way you can visit the vanilla farm in St-Philippe, the beautiful little beach of Grand-Anse, the caostal town St-Pierre or 'le domaine du café grillé' roasted coffee area...

    Breakfast included.

  • Day 8 St Pierre - Cilaos - VTT électrique

    St Pierre - Cilaos - VTT électrique Visite de la ville de Saint-Pierre et découverte de son littoral et de sa plage. Vous prenez ensuite la route pour le cirque de Cilaos et empruntez les nombreux virages qui mènent au village du même nom. Arrivée sur place, à partir de 13h30 découverte du Cirque en VTT électrique, 3h de balade afin de voir les plus beaux panoramas du Cirque, ses ilets perchés à flanc de montagne, ses forêts et sentiers . Encadré par un éducateur sportif diplômé qui est aussi guide péi, vous vous initierez en douceur aux charmes du VTT sans trop d'effort grâce à nos VTT Electrique écologiques et ludiques. Installation en gîte pour 2 nuits.

    Hébergement : Gîte en demi pension
    Activité : VTT électrique

  • Day 9 Accrobranche

    Accrobranche Le parc aventure est installé en pleine forêt de cryptomérias, littéralement au pied du Piton des Neiges (3 070m). Ses 1 600m de remparts vous donneront le vertige avant même de vous élancer sur les parcours acrobatiques en hauteur ! Les deux parcours sont adaptés pour les enfants à partir de 6 ans et 1m20 et les adultes débutants. Une activité idéal pour se mettre en jambe : pont de singe, tonneaux, tyroliennes et bien d'autres surprises vous attendent pour révéler l'âme d'aventurier qui sommeille en vous !

    Les enfants de - de 15 ans doivent obligatoirement être accompagnés et encadrés par un adulte payant sur les parcours.

    Hébergement : Gîte en demi pension
    Activité : Accrobranche

  • Day 10 Cilaos - Plaine des Cafres

    Cilaos - Plaine des Cafres Aujourd'hui départ pour la Plaine des Cafres avec votre transporteur. Découvrez la route aux 400 virages en admirant les rempart et la beauté des paysages du Cirque. En chemin , pause à la Cité du Volcan (à votre charge - 11€/adulte à l'entrée) pour découvrir l'univers volcanique de manière ludique et amusante avant de d'entrer réellement dans le monde du Piton de La Fournaise. Puis direction votre gîte chez Jean Raymond où la soirée sera conviviale auprès de nos hôtes agriculteurs.

    Hébergement : Gîte en demi pension

  • Day 11 Le Piton de la Fournaise - St Gilles

    Le Piton de la Fournaise - St Gilles Cette journée est consacrée à la découverte du Piton de la Fournaise, au gré de randonnées dans un paysage lunaire étonnant. Pour commencer vous montez en véhicule jusqu'au Pas de Bellecombe, qui vous donne un superbe panorama sur le Piton de la Fournaise, pas beau temps uniquement ! Début de la randonnée. Vous descendez dans l'Enclos Fouqué, dernière caldeira formée sur l'île et issue de l'effondrement du Volcan. Passage par le Formica Leo, un mini cratère qui doit son nom à sa ressemblance avec un nid de fourmis. Vous explorez l'enclos et croisez toutes sortes de manifestations rocheuses étonnantes. Retour au Pas de Bellecombe. Vous quittez le Volcan, véritable livre de géologie à ciel ouvert pour rejoindre la côte Ouest et découvrir un autre monde, le monde des plages et des animaux marins.

    3 à 4 heures de marche
    Dénivelé : +150m/-150m
    Hébergement : Hôtel 3* en B&B
    Dîner libre

  • Day 12 St Gilles - Baptême de plongée

    St Gilles - Baptême de plongée Ce matin découverte de la plongée sous marine à La Réunion, le baptême c’est un moment inoubliable où vous allez découvrir pendant une vingtaine de minutes accompagné d’un moniteur diplômé d’état, un monde fabuleux sur la pente externe du récif corallien. Possibilité également des plongées d’une quarantaine de minutes jusqu’à deux plongeurs avec un moniteur pour une véritable initiation à la plongée. Si vous avez déjà effectué un baptême et que vous souhaitez plonger plus longtemps pour découvrir les fonds sous-marins réunionnais avant de commencer une formation alors cette initiation est pour vous.

    Hébergement : Hôtel 3* en B&B
    Dîner libre
    Activité : Plongée sous - marine

  • Day 13 St Paul - Cours de cuisine

    St Paul - Cours de cuisine Aujourd'hui, partez à la découverte culinaire et faites réveillé vos papilles avec votre hôte qui ne saura que vous offrir une vraie découverte de goût. Partagez un moment convivial après avoir cuisiner votre repas avec les meilleurs conseils que l'on puisse avoir de la cuisine créole. Tout est concoctés sur place. A la suite du repas, vous pourrez effectuez une balade digestive afin d'aller découvrir le bassin vital et sa cascade, avant de rentrer à l'hôtel et dire au revoir à cette belle île intense. Retour à l'aéroport et fin de séjour.

    Fin de séjour

  • Day 14 Saint Gilles - Journée libre

    Saint Gilles - Journée libre Un peu de temps libre au bord du lagon pour profiter des plages de la Réunion et d'une baignade dans l'océan Indien. Possibilité de nombreuses activités en option au départ de Saint-Gilles.

    • Hélicoptère (sur réservation), vol le Must à partir de 349€ par personne (55 min)
    • ULM (sur réservation), vol complet à partir de 220€ par personne (55 min)
    • Parapente (sur réservation), baptême de 25 à 30 min, à partir de 90€ par personne
    • Catamaran (sur réservation) à partir de 55€ par personne, 60€ en vacances scolaires
    • Kayak transparent à partir de 15€ (1 ou 2 personnes) pour la location et 45€ en visite guidée d’1h30
    • Paddle à partir de 7€ la ½ heure
    • Snorkeling, baignade GRATUIT
    • Conservatoire botanique des mascarins (sur réservation) à partir de 7€ adulte, 5€ enfant (-12 ans)
    • Aquarium de St Gilles (sur réservation) à partir de 9,5€ adulte

    Fin de séjour.

The details in this indicative programme are updated regularly but imponderables and unpredictable circumstances may result in inaccuracies. In order to provide the adventure which is best suited to your demands, the weather and the operational conditions, changes to the programme may be made. For safety reasons, we reserve the rights to interrupt your participation in this programme at any time if your technical level or fitness are deemed unsuitable or if you are seen as a danger to yourself or to those around you. This will in no case give rise to refunds or compensation.

Period & budget

When to travel?

The best period for travelling is during the following months:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


From 790 € per person. Price based on two adults and two children under 12.

The budget is an indication of the price per person, subject to availability. Your local agent will send you a customized quote with the exact price. The price can vary according to availability, level of services, period of travel, number of participants, booking time frame and other items.


  • Hotel accommodation with breakfast Day 1 and Day 2
  • Gîte accommodation with shared facilities Day 3 to Day 6
  • Half-board from dinner Day 3 to breakfast Day 7
  • Vehicle hire for 7 days - category B, basic insurance and unlimited mileage
  • A detailed roadbook including, local tips, vouchers and your comprehensive itinerary
  • 24/7 phone support during your trip
  • Clear bottom kayaking excusrion lead by qualified professionals
  • Introduction to diving adventure lead by qualified professionals
  • High ropes course instructed by qualified professionals
  • Gorge walking guided by qualified professionals
  • Lava tubes adventure guided by qualified professionals

Not included

  • International flights
  • Lunches (approx. 8 to 10€/pers. for picnic lunches or 15 to 20€/pers. for restaurant meals)
  • Dinners Days 1, 2 and 7 (approx. 20 to 25€/pers.)
  • Accommodation on the last night (Day 7)
  • Museum and site entry fees
  • Fuel and parking costs
  • Transfers to collect/drop-off your vehicle
  • Repatriation insurance

Additional Options
  • Helicopter flight (from 95 to 315€/person)
  • Hotel accommodation in Cilaos (prices vary, subject to availability)


Pour récupérer et restituer votre véhicule de location, vous avez le choix entre les lieux suivants : l'aéroport de St-Denis, St-Gilles-les-Bains ou St-Pierre

Terms and conditions

Booking conditions

Booking a trip with  Altaï Réunion implies acceptance of the terms and conditions of sale. Each customer is required to complete a registration form and, subject to availability at the time of registration, travellers are expected to pay a deposit of 35% of the total price to complete their booking. Payments can be made online or by bank transfer. You will receive an e-mail with your booking confirmation.

Invoice procedure

Once your booking is confirmed you will receive an invoice by e-mail. The full balance of the trip must be received at least 35 days before your departure date.  Altaï Réunion reserve the right to cancel your booking, free of charge, if this deadline is not respected.

Cancellation policy

If for any reason you have to cancel your trip, we require written confirmation of your decision. The money you have paid will then be refunded according to the following deductions:

  • Cancellation received more than 30 days prior to the departure date: a sum of €50 per person will be retained
  • Cancellation received 30 to 21 days before the departure date: your deposit, 30% of the total trip price will be retained
  • Cancellation received 20 to 14 days before the departure date: 50% of the total trip price will be retained
  • Cancellation received 13 to 7 days before the departure date: 75% of the total trip price will be retained
  • Cancellation received less than 7 days before the departure date: 100% of the total trip price will be retained

Special cases:
Please note that, regardless of the date of cancellation or modification if you have agreed to pay for services such as hotel reservations, flights or additional activities, these services are usually non-refundable so additional fees may apply.
  • Fixed airfares: if your airline ticket was issued in advance, often done to avoid significant surcharges, you will be charged 100% of any non-refundable fees if you wish to change or cancel your flight plan.
  • Fixed in-country costs: early charges for firm bookings will be charged if you cancel or modify your trip.
  • Insurance costs: if you have taken out comprehensive or cancellation insurance, the cost of insurance is due and cannot be refunded.

Please note that fees apply according to the date we receive your cancellation or modification request in writing.

If we have to cancel a departure due to an insufficient number of participants, you will be informed no later than 21 days before departure and a full refund will be issued, you will not be entitled to further compensation. Altaï Réunion reserve the rights to cancel departures due to exceptional circumstances which may impact the safety of participants. Such circumstances include those amounting to 'force majeure' in which case participants will receive a full refund but they will not be entitled to any compensation.

Changes to travel contract

If you wish to make a change to your booking please contact  Altaï Réunion in writing; you will be expected to pay any fee which might arise from this change. In the event of unforeseen external events,  Altaï Réunion may change some aspects of the travel contract. If any changes are necessary you will be informed as quickly as possible.


The prices on our website are updated regularly and all of the prices we advertise are accurate when published.  Altaï Réunion reserve the rights to make changes to any of these prices. Before you make a booking we will give you the up-to-date price of your chosen holiday including any supplements, upgrades or additional activities you may have requested. If the number of travellers is fewer than the indicated number of participants on the website, a small group surcharge may be applied. For all of our trips we include details of services, prices and what is/is not included but please be aware that changes to the prices may be necessary in accordance with exchange rates or price changes of various components of the journey.

Contract transfer

If you are unable to travel with Altaï Réunion for any reason, you can transfer your booking to another person in which case our modification conditions apply. Both the transferor and transferee will be jointly and severally liable for payment of the total holiday price and other associated expenses. Some airline carriers treat name changes as cancellations and you may be required to pay for the cost of a new ticket.


We strongly recommend that you take out personal travel insurance for your trip with Altaï Réunion as soon as your booking is confirmed. We advice you to purchase a travel insurance policy which covers flight cancellations, luggage loss and emergency health care. Please look carefully at which activities are covered by your insurer and do not forget to bring all necessary documents and information with you (name of the company, name of the contract, insurance policy number, telephone number...)

Practical info


This trip is not necessarily a guided adventure. You will be provided with a vehicle, an Altaï Reunion Roadbook and 24/7 phone support throughout your trip. All guided activities are lead by professional guides; qualified experts in their domain.


Continental style breakfasts are served at your accommodation each morning. You can expect tea, coffee, fruit juice, bread, butter, jam and maybe meats and cheeses.
Not included in the trip price. You can purchase pre-prepared picnic lunches during your stay to carry with you each day. These include fresh seasonal produce, cheese, meat, salad and fruit. Please be aware that, due to the inaccessibility of the Réunions remote communes, grocery stores are not always well stocked. We recommend purchasing snacks to carry with you whenever you can.
Hot, hearty, home cooked meals of local cuisine are provided in your gîte accommodation and available to purchase at hotel restaurants. Supplies in this remote area are delivered by helicopter so evening meals may not vary greatly but you sure to love the mix of French, Indian, Chinese and African flavours that is Creole cuisine. The traditional dish is a curry with tomatoes, onions, garlic, ginger and spices served with either chicken, duck or fish and accompanied by rice, grains (beans or lentils) and rougail, a spicy condiment flavoured with tomato, lemon and pistachio.
Drinks, including mineral water, can be purchased at your own expense. Options include local rums, beer or fruit juice. The rum is made by soaking fruits, aromatic herbs and spices in white rum and are served as an aperitif before dinner or as a digestive after a hearty meal. A beer called Dodo is brewed by the same local company and you will have the chance to try succulent fruit juice, freshly made from seasonal fruit.

We recommend purchasing an adaquate supply of suitable 'trail food' before  your trip to bring with you. We also advice that you bring a good water bottle which can be refilled at your accommodation reducing our collective plastic waste. Please let us know about any dietary requirements when you book this trip and we will work with you to cater for your needs.


This trip includes mountain accommodation with shared bathroom facilities and dormitories of 4 to 10 people (with the exception of one dorm. in a refuge at the Piton des Neiges which sleeps 8 to 16 people). Hot showers are not always free, notably in the Piton de la Fournaise area where water is a rare commodity or in the refuge at the Piton des Neiges where there is no running water.
This adventure also includes 2* or 3* comfortable hotel accommodation for some nights to maximise your comfort.


You will be provided with a rental car, minimum category B.

Basic third party insurance is included with a deductable of around 800 € in case of theft or accident, amount varies depending on vehicle model and rental period. We strongly advice that you take out additional 'rachet de franchise' insurance to reduce or cancel the deductable amount in case of theft or accident. This must be purchased from the rental company at the time of hiring and costs around 100 € for 10 days.

Most of the towns and settlements on Réunion Island are connected by a network of roads. The Cirque de Mafate is only accessible by foot, to explore this area we suggest leaving your vehicle in Cilaos or the Col de Boeufs car park. This car park is guarded and costs around 10 € a day, payable locally. Roads are generally in good condition but some, notably in the mountains, have steep slopes and sharp turns. These roads require careful driving, especially in the rain.

IMPORTANT: To rent a vehicle you must be at least 21 years old. Do not forget your drivers license or credit card. A drivers license per driver and a credit card in the name of a driver are required.

Additional Options (prices may vary)
  • Additional driver, from 50 €/rental
  • Child seat, from 30 €/rental
  • GPS, from 30 €/rental

Budget & exchange

The currency is the Euro, € (EUR)
Visit http://www.xe.com for the latest currency converter and exchange rates. You can withdraw euros from in-country ATMs and credit cards are widely accepted except in isolated areas like small villages or mountain refuges which are generally cash only.
Please budget for lunches, drinks, tips, bus tickets, museum/site entry fees and other personal expenses. Please be aware that hot showers are not always free.


Although the custom is not widespread here, tipping is always appreciated - it is not obligatory and should be left to the discretion of each individual.

Supplied equipment

If you choose to participate in any of the outdoor activities, all technical equipment will be provided.

Vital equipment

From head to toe:
  • A cap or sunhat
  • 1 or 2 sets of thermals: long-sleeved thermal tops and full-length long johns
  • Long sleeved and short sleeved t-shirts, preferably in quick-drying technical material
  • 1 light fleece or equivilent (plus extra warm layers for austral winter months)
  • A breathable wind proof, waterproof jacket (Gore-Tex...)
  • Lightweight waterproof over trousers
  • 1 pair of long suitable shorts
  • 1 pair of walking trousers (detachable legs ideal)
  • A pair of high-rise walking boots with vibram soles - Réunions trails can be rocky and muddy
  • A pair of casual shoes for evenings
  • Thick walking socks
  • Warm gloves, hat and scarf (forJune - September trips and for those which climb up to the cirques or high mountains)
  • A swimsuit

Helpful equipment

  • Sleeping bag liner. Sheets and blankets are provided except in the refuge at Piton des Neiges where there are only blankets
  • A tupperware box or bowl and cutlery for picnics
  • Your personal toiletries - think to use as many biodegradable products as possible.
  • Fast-drying microfibre towel
  • Water bottle(s). Min. 2 litres, light and isothermal
  • A good pair of sunglasses (think min. category 3)
  • Sun-cream, face and lips
  • Head torch and spare batteries
  • A pocket knife
  • A pair of hiking poles
  • A waterproof bag cover (or plastic bags) to protect your belongings


Please bring two bags:
  • A rucksack (35-40L or 45-50L) for use as a day bag when hiking. This will contain your (vital) personal belongings for the day, or sometimes for several days.
  • A larger bag (60-80L) containing the rest of your belongings, those which you do not need with you in the daytime.


We recommend that you bring a small personal first aid kit containing any medication you may need such as inhalers, plasters, antiseptic and painkillers. During guided-activities, the leaders will carry a full First Aid kit at all times.


To go to Réunion Island travellers may need a passport which is vaild for at least three months after the last day of their stay, EU travellers may use passports/ID cards valid only for the duration of their stay.  It is your responsibility to confirm your specific passport requirements and please be aware that proof of onwards travel may be required.


Most travellers staying less than 3 months in Réunion Island do not need to obtain a visa. It is your responsibility to confirm your specific visa requirements.

Mandatory vaccines

No mandatory vaccinations are required. Recommended vaccines include Hepatitus and Typhoid.

Health information & recommendations

It is your responsibility to check that your personal health insurance covers everything in this trip. A consultation with your doctor is a prerequisite for any trip. 


Réunion Island has a tropical climate with two different seasons: The cool, dry austral winter from April to September and the austral summer from October to Mars, the hot, humid season.
April to June - temperatures remain a comfortable average of 20°C during the day and 10°C at night. It is at this time that the flora and fruits are at their most bountiful.
July to September - temperatures are cooler and perfect for hikers who suffer in the heat. It is on average 16-20°C during the day and at night, temperatures drop much lower, often below 0°C. It is not uncommon to see snow on the Piton des Neiges.
October to December - average temperatures are around 25°C in the day and 18°C at night.
January to Mars - the hurricane season which brings heavy rainfall and trekking is disrupted.


European-style plugs with two round pins. Voltage is normally 220/240 V, 50 Hz. Please be aware that some mountain huts use solar electricity which is only 24V and very limited when it comes to charging batteries.

Local time

Réunion Island uses the Réunion time zone (RET). Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)/ Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +4. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is not observed here.


Surface area: 2,512 km²
Population: Nearly 850,000 inhabitants
Currency: The Euro
Status: French overseas region and Special Member of the European Union
Religions: 72% Catholic. Hindu, Muslim and Buddhist religions are also popular.
Language: French and Créole
Fun fact: More than 40% of Réunion Island is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Sustainable tourism

Altaï always aims to have as little impact on the environment as possible. As adventure and wilderness travel experts who run trips to some of the most remote parts of the world, we take responsible tourism very seriously.

Since the beginning, we have advocated for responsible tourism and the importance of equitable and sustainable principles. Harmonising these fundamentals ensures a fair distribution of economic benefits, improved working conditions for local teams and an increased awareness of the importance and practice of environmental protection.

We kindly request that you adopt the following simple actions when travelling with Altaï Réunion in order to support our ethical, sustainable and responsable tourism policies:
  • Avoid dropping litter - use bins or carry your rubbish with you.
  • Use drinking water sparingly - avoid wasting water, take showers not baths, report leaks, etc..
  • Support the preservation of cultural sites - resist the temptation to touch statues, moves stones etc..
  • Exchanges are prefarable to donations - generations gifts can destabalize the local economic balance.
  • When walking, be aware of fragile ecosystems, observe wildlife from a distance, stick to trails, limit trampling and do not steal from the nature - resist the temptation to pick flowers, collect fossils or stones...
  • Some hotels have air conditioning - to avoid excessive energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, please use sparingly and remember to cut the aircon when you are not in the room.
Request a quote

My local agent

  • Installée à l’île de La Réunion
  • Passionnée de voyage, de trail et de randonnée
  • Photographie nature
Request a quote
Cilaos Mafate Piton de la Fournaise Salazie The Coast
Family Multi-activity
14 days
From €2,210


  • Different outdoor activities everyday- run by qualified expert guides, this trip includes something for everyone
  • The freedom which comes with having your own transport - discover Réunion Island exactly as you wish

Required level

This trip has been designed for families with children aged 8+. All included activities are lead by qualified professional guides.
Request a quote